couple of ?'s


I have a terrible aptasia problem, someone said to put hot water on them, so i had a bulb syringe(baby boogersucker) and squirted boiking hot h20 in the middle of them. I t worked they died, but i pushed too hard on one and blew its guts all over:( does anyone think it will spread? hope not. And can someone tell me how to get my coraline algee to grow and spread. How do you glue xenia's and other stuff to rocks?? dry/wet??


your ? on the ap...hmm i don't think so but not sure could buy a product called purple up, bu i think it is a waste, the cheapest way is to scratch the coraline underwater and it will spread spores, or just let it go on it's own, remember coraline can be SLOW growing
gluing...i was told you can superglue them, but i put them on the rock i want and cover them with a net and rubberband it to the rock, make sure the base is touching the rock and in a few days it should be grabbing on


Active Member
If you keep your calcium between 400-450 it will help the coraline spread. Xenia will attach on it's own. I'm sure you could glue it but I've never tried it that way.


Active Member
Just keep an eye out for more aiptasia.
Keep Calcium between 430-450, and balance ALK 8-12 DKH.
Use a rubberband on xenia around the rock, use super glue gel for hard corals. Bridal veil with rubberbands for shrooms.


Hot water works for the aptasia most of the time but there are several other ways to get rid of them if it doesn't work. There is a product called "Joe's Juice" that you squirt on them with a provided syringe and it works great. You can also try using a highly concentrated Kalk and water mix to squirt on them but you have to be careful with this one. My favorite way to get rid of them is to add a few peppermint shrimp. Just another excuse to add an inhabitant to my tank.
As for the one spreading, I'm not to sure but I don't think so.
Gluing xenia can be tricky. You can use the methods mentioned above which work great but having a net or panty hose to tight can kill them before they attach so be careful. You can also glue them out of the water but xenias are very difficult to handle depending on how big the frag is. Another method that I have used before with allot of success is to stick a toothpick into the base of the xenia or any softy for that matter and then rubber band the toothpick to a rock or stick it securely into a hole in the rock. Just make sure the base of the coral is touching the surface you want it to attach to. Give it a couple weeks just to be safe and then cut the rubber band and pull off the toothpick or net/screen.
Hope this helps!
Good Luck!