Active Member
I was looking at the tank today and notice some weird small green thing on the bottom of the tank. I thought maybe I had some new sort of hitch hiker that I hadn't seen before. Throughout the day I have watched it on and off. What was one small fat looking worm type thing (lime green in color), now looks like 2 smaller tips off of my GBTA.
What would cause this? I fed them yesterday. Should I take the tips out of the bottom, could they cause damage to the tank.
I tested ammonia trites and trates yesterday.
ammonia 0
trites 0
trates 15
I just tested those again and
ammonia 25
trites 0
trates 10
Why would this get crazy so fast? :scared:
What would cause this? I fed them yesterday. Should I take the tips out of the bottom, could they cause damage to the tank.
I tested ammonia trites and trates yesterday.
ammonia 0
trites 0
trates 15
I just tested those again and
ammonia 25
trites 0
trates 10
Why would this get crazy so fast? :scared: