couple pics of new tank


Active Member
Picked up a tank yesterday from someone on these boards. I think it was a pretty sweet deal myself.... got a lot of work to do on it though (thats what I love). Check out what it looks like NOW.. so I can post pics of it in the future :)



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$475. Included tank, stand, lights, wet/dry, protein skimmer, fish/inverts/sand/rock/corals.


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It's 55. I had another deal I was thinking about at the same time this one was offered. A 90 gallon tank for 200 dollars! The only thing was it was the tank/stand/hood only.. this deal came with it all.
Stocking a 90 is twice as expensive anyways.. im very happy with this deal.


Active Member
Cool! Cant wait to see it a couple months from now. Are u going to add everything from your 46 to it?


Active Member
I've already added a couple GSP frags and some florescent green mushrooms into it from my 46 today. I have so much clutter in my 46 gallon, so i'll be moving a lot into this 55 to make my 46 more pleasing to the eye.
I also plan to remove my yellow tang from the 46 and place into the 55.
Also it came with like 45 lbs of rock.. once I get the money that amount will probably double.
I feel pretty good about this tank, its already got 80% of the expensive stuff taken care of ;) it's gonna be fun from here on out. Im looking forward to great things! :)
Btw when I moved it from the ladies house to mine there were zero deaths - period. I was very pleased/amazed with that.

The anthias in there is SUPER friendly. It'll swim close to the side of the tank whenever im there watching it... the tomato clown hasnt befriended me in the same way quite yet.. but im sure it'll not take long for it to love me. The convict goby of course hides and only peeks out for short periods of time.
Here's a couple more pics.



Active Member
Wow, that tank is going to look awesome. I still cant get over that deal. what kind of lights did it come with?


Active Member
CustomSeaLife (which is now Current USA) 48" with 4 65 watt pc bulbs and 4 moonlights and fan. two 10k and 2 actinic bulbs.


Nice package you got for the price, very nice price. Nice tanks.
I wish you the best of luck and enjoyment out of it.