Couple pictures of my lions & SFE


Hey everyone. Thought I would share some pictures of my 2 lions and SFE.
I recently relocated these guys from my Main DST in the living room to this temp 55gal in my bed room. Im getting ready to set up my new 180 gal.
Like I said its a temp tank so thats why there is not much in there.

Does any know the difference between my lions. The are colored differently yes but they have some very different features about them.
Like the darker ones tip fins a sharp pointed were the other has plumes on each one. Also there little horns are totally different looking. Just currious if it could be the difference between male & female. Thanks for looking.


I took some better pictures tonight.

Can anybody tell what this fish is. I picked one up two years ago at my LFS and have never known what he was. Very hardy fish. He lost an eye like a year ago and I didnt think he was going to make it. But he is still swimming strong. Just curious if anyone new.