couple questions i hope yall can answer


okay so i wanna know a little bout anenomes 1. what type lighting will they need 2. what kind can i keep under 130w pc in 29g 3. if i get an anenome will i be able to get another clown? 4. is it true when an anenome dies it will poison the tank?


Active Member
You would need better lighting for a hosting anemone . Anemones don`t poison the tank when they die , just melt and makes a mess if you don`t remove it right away . For adding a clown , what clown do you have now and what size ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kidreef
false perc its pretty big maybe inch and a half its atleast 3yrs old

Sounds small for a 3 year old Ocellaris .


Active Member
you always take a chance on getting a 2nd clown after you already have one. i would suggest if u really want to, take urs back and get 2 small ones from a lfs. 2 that are already in the tank together. otherwise u risk a nasty fight.
my LTA is under 4 vhos 5hrs a day. plenty of light. vhos arent very expensive and dont run real hot.
i heard they can poison tank...but ive also heard its nonsense.