Couple quick questions about Lions?


Active Member
Hello, I am cycling a 30 gallon tank with some LR right now and when my tank is ready, I am going to get a dwarf/zebra lionfish. I was wondering at what size should I purchase the fish? I have been reading up on feeding as well and I have decided to feed the fish ghost shimp until he/she is acclimated enough to handle other foods, but what foods should I use and is a multivitamin necessary? There is no rush, I mean I still have to wait a long time for my pride and joy to cycle. Thanks.


Active Member
a purchase size around 3-4" is good, I feed my lions krill, squid, shrimp, silversides etc. Lions are not picky once you get the eating well.
good luck


Active Member
Honestly, the safest size to purchase a lion is whatever size they come into your LFS eating frozen foods at... I waited five months for mine to come in (under such a requirement) and I have yet to be disappointed by it...


Active Member
many stores do not keep lions around long enough to get the on frozen foods, most lions, with the fu manchu being slightly more difficult can be trained to eat frozen foods fairly easily. If the lion is alert, and eats at the store (ghost shrimp or whatever) with normal breathing and clear eyes and fins you should do well with it