Covering filter tube for anemone?


What does everyone else do with powerheads or skimmers that have intake tubes inside the tank? when i was a kid i had anemone climb around the tank and then wake up one day with them stuck inside the tube. i put pantyhose over top of the vents. any other ideas?


Active Member
Pantyhose is one thing i've heard. Some type of filter media, really anthing that has extremley small holes so that water still goes through the intake, but not so dense that you lose flow. Pantyhose will be just fine.


Pantyhose doesn't give enough flow through it. I put one over my Hydor 1 and it was not flowing at all. So I bought some mesh fabric and sewed up a sock type deal and a zip tie.. TA DA.
I use the foam prefilters for the regular power head and filter.