CPR Backpack blowing air bubbles into the tank

spider crab

Has anyone had problems with the CPR backup II blowing tiny air bubbles into the tank? I've tried adjusting the air mix lower but it either blows bubbles or doesnt seem to get enough air to create foam.
The backpack came with a small sponge that you are supposed to but into the return pipe, but this doesnt seem to help and has a tendancy to come out into the tank after a few days.
Any ideas?


I have the CPR BP2r. It did the same thing. Don't use the sponge, it will clogg and over flow on to the floor.
The best thing I found, was the more algae the grows in the BP2r the less bubles.
I have some green/brown hair algae growing in the body of the skimmer, and no more bubbles in the tank.
I guess the more dirty it is, the better it works :p
It took about 1-2 months before I started not to see bubbles any more.

spider crab

Your experience almost sounds the opposite of mine. I have the 2R as well and have a good bit of hair algea growing in the chamber were the bubbles are formed. It actually was better earlier on but got worse to the point that I can't have it skim and not create tons of bubbles in my tank.
I'm mainly concerned becuase I have 3 sponges and 2 gorgornians in this tank and the sponges were getting a coating of bubbles adhearing to them. I believe sponges and gorgos are both sensitive to air bubbles getting inside them and killing them.
I dont suppose those blocks of limewood they sell would have anything to do with reducing bubble discharge?


CPR sells bubble traps: http://cprusa.com/products/bakpak.html#accessories
I bought one and it helped at first, but the trap also has a sponge in it that will clog and will have to be cleaned.
Have you tried cleaning your power head? My Rio gets clogged and seems to make more bubbles in the tank. CPR also reccomends replacing the Rio about every 6 months.
Keep playing with it, the bubbles will stop. Again it too about 2 months for mine to stop putting bubbles in the tank.