CPR BackPack pump


hmm ok i can buy the casing for the cpr backpack remake model on ---- for pretty cheap. Now im wondering if the pump that comes with it is sold availably to public. Because the site claims its modified or what not. is it just the Rio 600 venturi model? or what other pump mixes water and air that i could use for the skimmer?

reef fool

Active Member
That's right, a Rio 600 twin venturi is what to use. They make an 800 Twin venturi also, but CPR claims it doesn't enhance preformance.


Active Member
I am interested in this as well. I own a bak pak and would desperately like to upgrade the pump to something other than a RIO.


Active Member
whats the mod? Is it changing the intake or will the maxi just fit right on there? I suppose i could figure this out myself . . . . buuuut, that would mean taking apart my bak pak and that is WAAAYYY too much work for my lazy a$$:D


Active Member
YOu have to purchase a venturi kit for the maxi jet. I am in the process of converting my maxijet 1200 to put on my bakpak. They talk about it on cpr's website. Check it out. CPR does claim that the maxijet 1200 increases the performance of the output of the cpr bakpak...
Email me to get a website that sells the venturi kit for the maxijets.... cliffrouse@icqmail.com