Cpr Bak pak 2 Skimmer

crypt keeper

Active Member
I just bought one. Added a lot of flow. I took out the blue plactis stuff it came with added some rock rubble and filled the rest with Bio balls. My Collection cup keeps filling up with water and waste. How do I get it to stop filling up so fast with water. Its tarts to leak out of the holes of the top cap. Once a day it needs to be emptied.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
My Collection cup keeps filling up with water and waste. How do I get it to stop filling up so fast with water. Its tarts to leak out of the holes of the top cap. Once a day it needs to be emptied.
That sounds about right, mine was the same. I had it on a 55g and had to empty it every day. The colection cup is too small. Something you will just have to get use to.
Of course this is all asuming that you have it adjusted right, is this the only skimmer/filter that you have? What size tank do you have?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Its for my 30g long QT tank. I have a bio wheel twin cansiter filter. 30 pounds of a rock. The cup is sitting about a 1/2 inch above the inlet pipe. I h started to mess with it and its slowing down some. Really picks up a lot of crap.