CPR Bak Pak is dying already.........


Active Member
I have had my CPR Bak Pak skimmer for about three months now. The Rio is already starting to not fire up, bubbles are everywhere, and it barely skims anything.
I have already cleaned the Rio twice to make sure that it wasn't just gunked up. I have heard bad things about the Rio powerheads but, sheesh!
Does anyone know what the adapter kit consists of that allows you to use some other powerhead? I think there is one available but, not sure where to find it.
I turn the skimmer off about two times a week while dosing some things to the tank. I take it that it doesn't like this?
Li'l help. :(


Active Member
I'll tell you the magic trick . . . . . but only if you give me a really nice camera. Just kidding. (maybe)
Ok, I'll tell you anyway. There are several things that i found rather effective in improving the rios performance. First, those little grey elbows that are attached to the two airlines, get rid of them if you havent already. They clog VERY fast, and are a pain to clean. Second, as you said, give it a good cleaning. I clean mine about once a month. Also, in the directions it says to keep the collection cup about one eighth of an inch below water line, i have found that AT the water line works better. Also, when you rinse it out, run it under HOT HOT water for a little until steam collects on the inside of the cup. Foam will collect sooner, and it also gets some of the built up crap off.
As far as turning it on and off, i personally leave it on 24/7 and i am yet to have any problems with it not firing up when i do happen to turn it off. My power was intermittent for a couple days where it would go out about every 15 - 20 min, and no problem.
I agree though that there has to be a better pump. I have been told that the maxi-jet 1200 is recommended by CPR as an alternative, but i have yet to find this on their website. I am going to try it though. I ordered the maxi-jet 1200 with a venturi kit so it should be here soon. The only thing is though that i am unsure if it will be a direct fit, or if it is going to need some adaptation. I'll keep you posted as to what happens.
P.S. What can you tell me about the Canon Powershot S-45?
(i am sure you hate these questions on the BB, but i had to ask):D :D :D


Active Member
Thanks Justin.
The Canon S45 is an awesome little camera. I like that one quite a bit and I have sold a ton of them at work with great results and feedback from customers. Good Resolution, Good Macro, Strong Build (stainless steel), Manual Settings.
Buy one. :D


Active Member
Hey rye... I didn't have time to read the previous post but wanted to mention something to you about the rio pumps/ powerheads. I know everyone complains about them but if it is not firing up correctly, it may be on the verge of dying. When I worked at an LFS back in the day, several people brought back rio powerheads / pumps after dying. Here's why: Unlike awesome pumps like magdrives or what have you, when rios start dying they don't just seize up. They are oil cooled so when they do seize up, they also have a tendency to release the oil into the water. In turn, that kills your entire tank, a guarantee for smaller tanks. Ive seen your tank pics, and you have a great tank going. Just my opinion, but you might want to switch out before a disaster happens. Best wishes bro. :cool: