CPR BakPak 2R question + couple others

midknight thief

New Member
i have a 55 gallon tank, and eventually want to make it a reef tank. but considering the massive expense if everything i will need i want to start with a FOWLR and LS. i went to my LFS and the guy told me i couldn't start with FOWLR and LS and then go to a reef. I went to another LFS and he said of course i could do that. the fish i start with will be reef fish, but dont need a reef to survive, he also said there are some corals that dont need expensive lighting (like mushrooms and a couple other things). so we started pricing the equipment i would need skimmer, sump, pump, powerheads, etc. HOLY MOLY :eek: you guys call this is a hobby :D . he then said i could use a CPR bak pak 2r and a couple powerheads for water flow and this is all i need to get started. my question is is this correct? will this be enough to start? i want to have a couple clowns and a couple tangs and maybe a few others plus some corals, and a clean-up crew. i can get good figi live rock for $1.00/# from a friend. another question about LS the LFS sells it for $30.00 for 20#'s and said i would need 6 bags for a 4 in DSB. can i just buy some sand at home depot and add 1 bag of the live sand? any other info is greatly appreciated. i'm a total newbie. TIA....


Active Member
You could probably get by without a skimmer, just make sure you do regular water changes. That skimmer is a nice HOT skimmer however...but you can wait on it. Yes you really will want to get some good water movement, with sofites you should have atleast 10X turnover. You can get maxi jet PH ( which are the best ) very cheaply online.
As for the sand, if you can find southdown then great, if not I understand ( now I haven't tried this so don't hold me to it ) that any silica based sand will work. If it were me and I couldn't find southdown, then I would get the LFS sand, caribsea etc.
No you won't need a sump, yes they are nice but with that size tank you don't have to have one. Just make sure you have good water flow in the tank.....that also can exlude the return pump.
See aren't you glad you checked here first :)
I would first buy the LS and a good activator kit / det kit. I wouldn't get any crabs though, just my personal preference. Then I would start to save for lights. You didn't mention that. For a softie tank I would go with VHO ( URI bulbs are really nice and have built in reflectors ) and can be had online for a decent price....look into retro kits.
That should about cover it
~ just re read that post of your's.... you can maaaybe fit one small tang in that tank, please don't go tang crazy and get more than one. They need lots of room to swim.