midknight thief
New Member
i have a 55 gallon tank, and eventually want to make it a reef tank. but considering the massive expense if everything i will need i want to start with a FOWLR and LS. i went to my LFS and the guy told me i couldn't start with FOWLR and LS and then go to a reef. I went to another LFS and he said of course i could do that. the fish i start with will be reef fish, but dont need a reef to survive, he also said there are some corals that dont need expensive lighting (like mushrooms and a couple other things). so we started pricing the equipment i would need skimmer, sump, pump, powerheads, etc. HOLY MOLY
you guys call this is a hobby
. he then said i could use a CPR bak pak 2r and a couple powerheads for water flow and this is all i need to get started. my question is is this correct? will this be enough to start? i want to have a couple clowns and a couple tangs and maybe a few others plus some corals, and a clean-up crew. i can get good figi live rock for $1.00/# from a friend. another question about LS the LFS sells it for $30.00 for 20#'s and said i would need 6 bags for a 4 in DSB. can i just buy some sand at home depot and add 1 bag of the live sand? any other info is greatly appreciated. i'm a total newbie. TIA....