Cpr Bakpak Skimmer Help!!!


Hi, i just installed my cpr bakpak skimmer FOR THE FIRST TIME and have a few questions, please help!!!
1. The cup gets full right away (1-2 minutes( and i cant leave it because it will overflow and spill :(, i know the flow can be adjusted but is that on the powerhead or the skimmer itself?? im using it with a rio 800 powerhead is this any good??
2. THe skimmer makes loud noise is that normal?? is it the skimmer itslef or the powerhead?? can it be solved by getting a better powerhead?? what brand is quiet???
Please give me any suggestions on what to do.


I have a maxijet 1200 on my Aqua C Remora. You should be able to adjust the height of the collection cup to regulate how much the skimmer is taking out. Did it come with a manual?


no manual i got it used, hey is your maxijet 1200 quiet?? im thinking just replacing the powerhead will resolve my problems, i dont think rio powerheads are that good of a brand


I am not familiar with that skimmer I use a seaclone but I understand that if you have chemicals in the water then you may have to wait for the skimmer to stop that.
My skimmer did that same exact thing for 4 days straight. I unplugged it when I wasnt watching it. It slowed down and now runs fine after 2 entire weeks.


the collection cup should have a rubber band type thing around it. you adjust that to have the collection cup sit higher and you will be able to adjust the amount of skimmate.