CPR bakpak smimmer


I have this skimmer set up on my tank, but it is pretty loud and it makes it difficult to sleep in my room. Would it be best to turn the valve all the way off so its not skimming, but the water is still flowing through it or to unplug it at night or to just put some earplugs in and deal with it?


Active Member
This is why I advise against putting SW tanks in bedrooms....they can be loud.
Anyway, if you cant live with the noise, then shutting off the valve would be the way to go. You do not want water sitting in the skimmer and not moving. You can get toxic buildups of ammonia and sulfides that way and poison your tank when you turn it back on.
Earplugs would be the best route as you will eventually acustom yourself to the noise and won't even notice it anymore. give it a few weeks.