CPR CS102 Overflow


If this is the overflow with 2 hoses to the sump, it works very well. Make sure you have an extra powerhead though. I didn't know when I bought it, but the syphon will probably stop frequently without having a powerhead suck out the excess air that accumulates with higher water flow.
It returns about 1100 gph to my sump easily, and is quieter than the basic overflow I had before.

mr . salty

Active Member
I have a larger CPR(three hoses) and #1,have never had it loose syphon.And #2,I don't have a powerhead attached to it at all.I just stuck the airline back into the tank.......


What size powerhead is needed. I finally have it hooked up and it does work great, but I do notice that air does get trapped. Sticking the air tube back in the water does not work and will not work. It has nothing to do with the air bubbles being sucked in the overflow. Thus I think I need a powerhead.

richard rendos

Active Member
Mr Salty, is your CPR overflow really old? Cause they don't make one with a 3 hose connection, unless you or someone modified it. Is the overflow you are talking about the one on your equipment page? Because that is not a CPR (Creative Plastics Research) overflow unless it is really old. I used a CS 102 and CS 105 before and always hooked up a RIO 600 to the airline tube to keep siphon otherwise I lost siphon a lot.


I have a CS-105 and it works awesome. I have never had any prob with it. I use a penguin 1140 powerhead on it, but I think it would take one with less GPH.


Be very carefull with the hose that pulls the water out. If you hook up the screen that provided with the overflow, it has a tendancy to produce a lot of air bubbles... many of them getting caught. I have a REO 800 pulling the air out, but it came loose while I was at work. When I came home, 40 gals of water on the floor. I still like the overflow, but it is constant maintance making sure the hose is clean and still attached.


i have a cpr150 for sale if you guy like them so much(auctions) i took it off and runing a tidepool sos no air goes right through- no screen- no problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just have to run two actually three to compair to the flow :D :D :D