CPR Skimmers??? Good???


Dose anyone use a CPR Hang-on Skimmer???
If so what do you think of it...
I ask cuz i need a new skimmer but i'm broke i live in canada and every thing is so expensive i was looking at a Aqua C remora pro HOB but the cheapest i could find was $264.95


Originally Posted by FaTcAt
Dose anyone use a CPR Hang-on Skimmer???
If so what do you think of it...
I ask cuz i need a new skimmer but i'm broke i live in canada and every thing is so expensive i was looking at a Aqua C remora pro HOB but the cheapest i could find was $264.95

I have 2. I find myself adjusting them at least once a week. I also have a seaclone which doesn't even compare to the CPR. The way everyone on here talks about the Aqua C I would love to have one. Have you tried ----?


Originally Posted by Waterlogged
I have 2. I find myself adjusting them at least once a week. I also have a seaclone which doesn't even compare to the CPR . The way everyone on here talks about the Aqua C I would love to have one. Have you tried ----?
By saying the seaclone which doesn't even compare to the CPR.
Do you mean the CPR is better???
No i did't look at ---- i never have luck...
just got some coral dip off there and they sent me the wrong stuff would have been cheaper to get it local...


I like mine seems to work well on my 55 also have one in a 20 that has a fuge included


Originally Posted by FaTcAt
By saying the seaclone which doesn't even compare to the CPR.
Do you mean the CPR is better???
No i did't look at ---- i never have luck...
just got some coral dip off there and they sent me the wrong stuff would have been cheaper to get it local...
Yes I meant the CPR is better than seaclone. A lot of people on here love the aqua c remora.


I put a larger rio pump on mine than stock and it made it way more efficient


Active Member
I'm not a big fan of mine. It makes quite a bit of bubbles, is pretty loud and the piece where the hose connects to the pump needs to be cleaned alot. It removes a fair amount of stuff, but it's really watery. If i were you i'd look into something else. i found a aqua c remora pro HOT with mag 350 for $240. This summer i'm hoping to upgrade to a aquamedic Turboflotor 1000 Multi, i'm pretty sure thats as good as it gets as far as HOT skimmers and also costs $240.


I think the pump helped alot and once you get it adjusted they work good I run mine pretty dry skimate looks like mud


Active Member
I used to run the SR-2 on my 55. I replaced the Rio powerhead with the maxijet 1200 (the Rio pump was crap IMO). Wasn't the best skimmer in the world but it got the job done.


Well now i really need to look for a new skimmer. Came down this morning to hear my skimmer pumping water like crazy (past experience says that BAD) looked at the skimmers collection cup it was full as full gets and now there is about 3 gallons of water on the nice thick carpet.


i like mine... but can't really base it off of any other experiences with other brands... only thing i can say is to forget about the rio pump completely and upgrade it with a maxi-jet