crab ID


I was looking in my tank for any unusual critters because I seem to find more and more every night with just the blue actinic lights on, and I found a CRAB!!! It scared the crap out of me to say the least because I just saw some legs at first and had no idea what it could be. It's body is about half an inch in diameter, and I guess the shape resembles an emerald crab. I didn't get a very good look at it. But the body and claws were definitely a deep deep purple, at least that's what it looked like, the the rest of the legs were DEFINITELY a white-ish kind of striped color. I have had 2 hermits (1 scarlet last week and 1 blue leg very recently) killed and I had a tiny peppermint shrimp that has been missing for a few weeks now. I'm trying to find the culprit and I'm wondering if this crab is it.. Anyone have any idea what it could be by that description? I have NEVER seen it in the daylight before, I have had this tank up and running with all the liverock since the beginning of January and saw him for the first time tonight.


did u put the crab in, if not could it of come in on live rock?
anyway crabs are usally just scavangers with very few exceptions, any chance of a pic?


It had to have been in the liverock when I bought it because I did not purchase this guy. I'm hoping he is a good crab and isn't the reason I've lost 2 hermits and a shrimp. And he has to be pretty hardy because he survived the cycle. I put all the liverock in there to help cycle the tank.


if all your levels are good and you cant id him 2 things taht will help
tank size
amount of live rock
medications used ect
and a picture of him


I have 20 pounds of live rock and mixed it with about 20 pounds of lace rock in my 37g. This is the first time I have seen this crab. I am unable to get a picture of him because I have only seen him once and he hid pretty quickly out of the light so using a camera was pointless. I have not put any medications in the tank at all. I am thinking he came out tonight because I started giving my fish new food. Before I was only feeding them flake food, but they have a minor case of ich and I decided to buy some marine cuisine and mysis shrimp and mix it with freshly minced garlic to help them kick it. I'm thinking it was this food that brought him out, so I'm hoping I'll be seeing him more often since I will be processing these foods together tomorrow and using it for now on. The fish and shrimp absolutely love it, and apparently the crab does too.


got an idea, get a brine cube and put it on the buttom of the tank, wiegh it down if it feels like its gonna float up shut off the light wait 5 min turn it back on than try to get a pic