crab ID


Active Member
I've been doing som research and apparently this crab will eat whatever it can get it's claws on... supposedly it could eat all your fish too.... but if you keep them happy, they'll likely leave everyone else alone. One guy on another forum was checking one out at his LFS, and he said the crab spits water at the owner whenever she passes by lol... supposedly they will recognize you if you feed them over time.
I also read that they get to be about the size of your fist...
Here's some info on one site...
CALICO CRAB, Hepatus epheliticus, an attractive red and white spotted crab that survives well in the aquarium. It will normally bury completely out of sight in sand or light gravel but when food is placed in the aquarium it erupts dramatically to seize it. To demonstrate their striking respiratory current, place them in a shallow dish with just enough water to cover their legs and they pump a geyser of water several inches high. Size: 3-6 cm.
But 3-6cm is already smaller than the one you posted a pic of, so I don't know how accurate that could be. Even wikipedia has nothing on the calico crab... it's slim pick-en's on the google search too.


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
I've been doing som research and apparently this crab will eat whatever it can get it's claws on... supposedly it could eat all your fish too.... but if you keep them happy, they'll likely leave everyone else alone. One guy on another forum was checking one out at his LFS, and he said the crab spits water at the owner whenever she passes by lol... supposedly they will recognize you if you feed them over time.
I also read that they get to be about the size of your fist...
Here's some info on one site...
CALICO CRAB, Hepatus epheliticus, an attractive red and white spotted crab that survives well in the aquarium. It will normally bury completely out of sight in sand or light gravel but when food is placed in the aquarium it erupts dramatically to seize it. To demonstrate their striking respiratory current, place them in a shallow dish with just enough water to cover their legs and they pump a geyser of water several inches high. Size: 3-6 cm.
But 3-6cm is already smaller than the one you posted a pic of, so I don't know how accurate that could be. Even wikipedia has nothing on the calico crab... it's slim pick-en's on the google search too.