crab id


cant get a pic of it because it keeps hiding when i put the light on it so i will try to is a green color both claws are the same and both claws are black. it is the sife of a half dollar and must have came with my recent purchase of live rock.


Originally Posted by raymond2688
cant get a pic of it because it keeps hiding when i put the light on it so i will try to is a green color both claws are the same and both claws are black. it is the sife of a half dollar and must have came with my recent purchase of live rock.
Could be a million things. Unfortunately, without a picture, it's almost impossible to identify. Can you see the eyes? Color? Is it a dark green?
I had a dark green Xanthid crab, caused absolute chaos in my tank.
You should quarantine this rock until you can identify this crab or you could have major problems on your hands.


just got another good look at him unfortunatly did not have my camera he appears to be greyis and blochy i will get a pic. can not quaranteen the rock it is to big. i figured the black claws would be the id point.