Crab + "shrimp" ?


1st off sorry for the bad pix, they are in my display tank, and have been maintained by my g/f for the last month and a half (out of town on business)
1st, the crab, he has been in my Sump for some time, but these are the "best pix" i could get of him. He looks identical to an emerald, but is brown/blackish in color, cant get a good look @ the pnichers, but they APPEAR to have "suction cups" not "claws" on the end, and his legs are just as hairy as my Em's. watched him feeding today, he picks up the agg. from the floor, eats its, and spits it out...kind of cool to watch IMO

next is the "shrimp" eats like the shrimp in my DT
also see the snail in the b/g i now have a TON of those

if they are harmful any solutions would be appreciated (preditors that will eat them) Keep in mind they are in my sump..... for now


Active Member
last one is an amphipod and beneficial.
the crab most likely needs to come out unless you can definitely verify the cupped pinchers. next time you see him, put a nice piece of clam meat or shrimp near it


Originally Posted by renogaw
the crab most likely needs to come out unless you can definitely verify the cupped pinchers. next time you see him, put a nice piece of clam meat or shrimp near it
even though he's isolated in the sump?
will do, but he doesnt come out much, i actually though he died off (i just lost the last of my Em's today :( -they were in the DT )


Active Member
amphipod or maybe a mole crab...they both look the same to me. first one may be a dark mole crab or maybe some sort of mantis shrimp?
can you grab it and put it in a bucket and take a pic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KevtheIris
even though he's isolated in the sump?
will do, but he doesnt come out much, i actually though he died off (i just lost the last of my Em's today :( -they were in the DT )
sry, didn't read he's in the sump. just leave him there :)


Active Member
the snail most likely is a colonista snail, but COULD be a sundial. if the foot is pointy, not flat, try to get them out.


what color is the crab? it almost looks like a emerald crab i have seen them turn a different color before like black, the other thing looks like a pod.


looks like a mantis shrimp.all you have to do is put youre finger in front of it and if it cuts your finger open its a mantis. kidding dont try that.


Active Member
the long face with the bulgy eyes is what makes me think mantis. emerald crabs have a round body, and the eyes and mouth don't stick out like that.