Crab Troubles


I have been experiencing a die off of my crabs (hermits and emerald) in the past week. I also haven't seen my shrimp in that time frame, but they may be hiding. Also about a month ago, I found my (until that point) very healthy Sally Lightfoot Crab on the bottom of the tank surrounded by all it's severed limbs. Not sure if that's related...the NO3 levels were not stable at that point and/or the damsels may have gotten to it. My fish all seem healthy, as do the other critters in the tank.
Any ideas at what the problem may be? Starvation has been suggested to me. Any recommendations for special crab feeding?
I started my tank about two months ago. The cycle has been complete for about a month and all my levels are stable: Amm, NO2, & NO3 at zero, pH = 8.2, Salinity = 1.023-1.024, Temp= 80 - 82.


New Member
hey, mee too
i've been wondering the same
i have 3 small percs and one med. yellow tang, and a whole cleanup crew that i hope isnt starving.
my sally went missing too, and a few shrimp and a ton of snails...
are they starving and eating each other, or what?
ps. i have one emerald crab that is suspiciously large, i should say HUGE now. i think he's been doing midnight raids....
I throw in some food once a week, either brine shrimp or cut up scallops and algae cubes.
My clean up crew did a great job, maybe once the tank is clean, they need to be fed?
I'm new to this too, but that's what I've been doing, and all I have lost is a few scarlets (other than 3 shrimps and a sally that all died a few days after being added, probably acclimation problems).


You could be seeing the results of crabs wanting a larger home. I know some of my blue's kill of each other for a bigger house. I have 3 tangs and several scarlets and emeralds and had no probs over a year w/vert die off. Hey eeyrg your temp is a little warm for this time of year aye? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> 75 - 79. I would just watch them to maybe see who is the real predator in the tank. Good luck...