Crabs and Lobsters


I have a Salley Light Foot and a Purple Lobster. They have started acting very aggressive when I feed the 2 damsels that are in the tank. I feed frozen Brine Shrimp. Is there something I should be feeding them? They seem awfully hungry. What are your thoughts on feeding fish only Brine Shrimp? What else would you recommend?


Active Member
fish cant live on brine alone, and the crabs and P. lobster will be aggressive if hungry. they can even go after your fish.
i reccomend going to a seafodd market or seafood department at your grocery store and picking up some scallops, muscles, shrimp, and squid. you can dice all this up and feed it to your fish and give the larger chunks to the crabs and lobster. shrimps and stars will also eat this. give the smaller peices to your fish.
i usually buy a single shrimp, 2 scallops, 2 muscles, and whatever else i can find. i buy small things though so i dont have to freeze it and i can just buy fresh after a few days.


Thanks for the reply teen, I will try that and see what happens. Do you just drop the larger chunks in the vicinity of the crab/lobster and hope it sinks to them? There shouldn't be any problem freezing the dinner after it is diced and then cutting off chunks and letting it thaw (like the frozen brine), should there?


Active Member
most people put it in an ice cube tray (you can buy them at walmart or something like that for cheap) and then freeze them. i stick my hand in the tank with a piece of the meat and just put it right in front of them. if your too scared to try that, just use a wooden dowel of a plastic fork or something and place the meat on the end and put it right in front of them. they'll take it right off the end. also, feed the crabs and lobster at night, during the day the fish might try and steal it.