

Active Member
Just thought I'd share some recent pictures of my crabs.
#1 is of my big scarlet hermit, this guy has been doing alot of climbing up the side of my tank and up my filter suction but everytime I get my camera he has already fallen so for now this picture of him on the ground will have to suffice.
#2 I actually got a chance to catch this zebra hermit climbing, pretty impressive for a little guy if you ask me.
#3 My second emerald crab, I was smart and took a picture of him as soon as I added him so he couldn't hide on me
#4 Just a misc hermit, got him with some blue legs I guess...
#5 Another zebra hermit, these guys are quickly becoming my favorate hermits.



Active Member
ya know what i really have no idea,, my lfs gets in a "bag" of hermits every month or so and i just pick the coolest ones but i have no positive i.d on him as of yet,, sorry?


Active Member
Those are some nice looking crab pictures. I must say the red scarlett hermits are my favorite... They do not cause trouble and they just work their buts off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Those are some nice looking crab pictures. I must say the red scarlett hermits are my favorite... They do not cause trouble and they just work their buts off.

I wish my scarlets worked their butts off. They are lazy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Those are some nice looking crab pictures. I must say the red scarlett hermits are my favorite... They do not cause trouble and they just work their buts off.

I like my scarlet hermit because he is a good size and doesn't cause any problems like the much smaller killer blue legs I have. I haven't had any problems with my new zebras and they seem to work pretty hard too.


Active Member
Does anyone else have hermit that crawl straight up the side of their tank? I am impressed that they can climb up the glass with just the use of the coraline algae.


This is by far the most active and interesting crab I have ever seen...a great addition to my tank.
And one of the above hermits is a "blue knee hermit"


Active Member
Just thought I would find an old post of mine and add a picture I got of my crab from my sump. I think it is pretty cool, although not the best picture.