

So i went in for surgery on friday and was in bed for two days..........seems I had the dreaded heater malfunction and baked most of my livestock. Which was only snails, emeralds, blue and red hermits and a coral banded shrimp. At least there was no fish right?! That was sarcasm. Any loss sucks. i few of my hermits survived but I turned the rocks upside looking for all that could have died..........ammonia is outragous. I got all my survivors in a QT tank.........but it my best bet to pull all the rock out, clean it and start over? Or do you think a 50-75% water change to clear up the ammonia.? I have a feeling what your all going to say but I thought I should ask before I go back to the drawing board.


Don't start over, you will hafta go through a cycle again. Since this spike has already put you into another cycle, let it go and wait it out.


Active Member
well, as bad as it is, at least it happened now and not when your tank was completely established. I am sorry to hear that it happened though...


Active Member
What brand of heater was it?
Need to put it on my ever growing aquarium equipment list of shame.


New Member
I'm also interested in the type of heater it was.
I just had to return 2 heaters in a row. Luckily,
I caught it before it got past 82 degrees.
Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss!! We also had to return two heaters when We were starting our tank (just had LR thankfully), I wish I would of wrote down the brand!


Active Member
Talking about heaters,,,,I was FREAKING out when we bought a new eheim heater!!! It wouldn't shut off, it was really cooking my tank big time. I had NO sleep that night observing the temperature in my tank, my corals started looking like crap then I took out that darn heater and put my old one that doesn't work well back in, at least it doesn't over cook my fish and corals. I put in the heater at 8pm, it ran well for a while, did the adjustment cause it was a bit high, I turned it ALL the way down to the lowest setting cause it wouldn't stop running, that was around mid-night. Then temp went from 77-79 Then it went up a degree at 2am to 80, then at 3am it went to 81, then by 4am, it was at 83, that's when I yanked out that heater. I had to work at 10am, I felt like crap and had to take off work that afternoon and went back and changed my heater to a different brand. It doesn't warm up that high, but at least it's not constantly running and cooking my tank!!!!!!!