


well my tanked crashed every one of my corals died and the few zoos i tought might make it were covered in this black/brownish algae so i chalked everything up to a loss since it didnt seem anything i was doing was making a change...went away for the weekend and had someone feeding my fish that has always fed them when i am gone and left SPECIFIC instructions came home to the maroon i have had since i started the tank was i took ALL the rock out washed it with fresh water took out about 75% of the water and cleaned the gravel and put it all back i have just rock and 4 fish...i dont know what happen or what the cause was but i was ready to sell everything that was left and just quit :(
but now i guess i will start over

payton 350

for one if you are just leaving for the weekend the fish can go without being fed for a couple of days .....and two when redoing your tank don't put gravel in there.....are you sure something didn't fall into it (liquid wise) and kill it all


Originally Posted by kmsrn
I feel your pain, sorry for your loss. Just start up again, you know you love it

yeah...loving it and affording it is 2 different


NOOOO!!!!! You're not done!
You have all the equipment. Just set it up and start from scratch. Redesign your tank and do something different. If I had frags to send I'd do it in an instant.


Active Member
Unless a huge amount was overfed and caused an ammonia spike I don't think feeding was the issue. Not over a weekend. Don't think this would cause "black/brownish" algae either. Not that quickly.
There must be more going on.
Sorry for your loss. Post more details and I'm sure we can figure out what went wrong.
Washing the rock in freshwater was a bad idea. Why did you do this?


the blackish slimy stuff was cyanobacteria that had been on its way to taking over the tank so i washed the rock with fresh water to clean that off...yeah it killed my bacteria but i got some cycle up to help replace it and not have as much of a spike...and anytime i leave for the weekend i always cut my food for the weekend so all the person feeding my fish has to do is take one of my 1/4 cubes in a dish melt then put it in the dish...i dont know why everything is falling apart cuz the water parameters are all fine and with in range...
the tank is about 10 months....umm flame angel, blue tang, chocolate tang, leopard goby...wrasse that is currently mia no corals now


Active Member
Agree 100% with journeyman. If you are going to rinse or wash the rock, do it with salt water if you must. The cyano can be from many things, in short, excess phosphate,low flow, high nitrates, new tank syndrome, overfeeding,to list a few. In general, good husbandry will do the trick. RO/DI water for water changes and top offs. Smaller weekly water changes usually works better than 1 big on every 2-4wks. Try again, feed fish every other day this time, shouldn't have such a problem with the cyano,IMO


another reason i forgot to mention why i rinsed with fresh water before i swited tanks i seen mantis shrimp and also a gorilla crab all small at the time and now months later 2 shrimp come up missing and 2 maroons