Crawly things on Glass HELP !!!!


I just noticed these white crawly things all over the glass of my 75 gal tank, Some just look like spots. The bigger ones (even these are pretty small), Look like they have a tail and, I don't see them on any of the fish, In the tank is a porkcupine puffer, v tailed grouper and niger trigger, Also an arrow crab, Tank has 20lb, live rock, Just did 10% WC today, Salinity is 1.025, Ammonia 0, Nitrite a bit above 0
The trigger is a week old, They eat freeze dried krill, and feeders every once in a while, Also about 6 snails in the tank two being new today, I had these same spots on my fresh water tank and added some parasite tablets, They looked liked the went away but soon came back, Are these things safe for the fish, How do I get rid of them. Please hurry!!!


Hard to tell, Too small and looks like they have a tail and two antenna, You have to look really close,


Active Member
If they do not move they may just be spirorbidae worms.
If they move very slowly, you may have some snails (esp. stomatella).
If they tend to dart around quickly (but small distances), you probably only have pods.
All three of these possibilities are beneficial. There is no need to treat with anything.