Crazy Crab ID Please !! from ocean cured live rock


I have been curing DIY live rock in the ocean for two weeks now when i pulled the rock up i pulled as many little crabs and shrimp that were attached to them as possible and threw them back in the ocean when i got home any small dime size crabs that were left got the refugium. BUT there is a huge crab that i missed!!! he is about two inches long with a rounder body compared to other crabs his size. here is a pic you cant really see him but i was just wondering what others here would do?? the tank only has live rock and two BABY half inch B&W clowns. I guess i will catch him as soon as possible and put him in the fuge, unless told other wise


If thats a stone crab you definitely want to take it out. My uncle use to have one and it grew and grew and killed everything in the tank.


I got him out he looks more green and a lot smaller when i got him outta the tank his pinchers were not as big as the stone I think it was a gorrilla. he lives in the sump now >>>