crazy fish


New Member
my tom clown orginaly would fan his tail causing a hole to form in the crushed coral. and i thought that was weird. but now my damsel is doing the same. they both keep fanning their tails makin big holes everywhere...well in 3 specific places. and my damsel like spazes out randomly it looks like hes seizuring. they look healthy and are eating and the waters ok. but i just dont get why both of them are doing the faning thing now..any ideas?:D


My tomato clown does this as well........near the base of one of my rocks. He likes to sleep there at night, it sort of gives him extra protection. Just a thought.


maybe there is buried treasure!!!
ive seen freshwater do this as like a nesting spot maybe for laying eggs or something...but i dunno


Active Member
My Tomato Clown does this too. Don't know why but sure is funny to watch. They are just the coolest fish I think :jumping:


Active Member
My Tomato Clown does this too. Don't know why but sure is funny to watch. They are just the coolest fish I think :jumping: