i used Ultralife's red slime remover on friday and it worker great.....however my skimmer went crazy. and the micro bubbles are crazy. anybody have a similar reaction and how long did it take to go away?
no it didnt, it was just like yellow crack in a vial in a cardboard case. the only instructions was how to mix it. and that it may effect oxy. and ph. nobody has had thios problem with ultralife red slime b4?
All of the redslime removers that I have seen will tell you to turn off your skimmer for a few days and to do several water changes. So it is normal for your skimmer to go crazy after using a redslime remover and from what I have read running your skimmer will reduce the effectivness of the red slime remover.
Hey man,
I've used that stuff before. I have a cpr bak pak and it goes crazy as well. I leave my skimmer on and it will usually calm down within a day or two and the slime will be gone in a few days as well. No worries