creating a healthy enviroment for my tank


New Member
hello to all
have a couple questions maybe someone can answer for me, fairly new to the hobby i have a 90 gallon 90lbs live rock 4 anenomes 5 fish couple of star fish eel,protein skimmer aurora waterfall filter cartridge filter,powerhead,have had tank running over a year have not been doing water changes just started 1 month ago 25% first time and 10% every 2 weeks have not lost many fish but could not seem to keep many anenomes several died several lived had water tested and nitrates were a little high got them down i havec cc instead of ls i read that the cc will hold nitrates would like to know how i could go about removing cc and going to ls without hurting fish,also how much lr can i add at 1 time without disturbing cycle,also forgot to list light its a lunar aqualight 65 watt 10000k daylight and 65 watt true actinic salinity is .23,if there is is any info i am missing that would help please let me know when u post reply i want the tank to be as healthy as it can if there is anything that is an obvious one please let me know,also what is best way to control red slime algae,i want to star adding corals and inverts but want things to be right other than testing ph nitrates and ammonia,what else should i be looking for to get tank right,any input is much appreciated,this is a very addictive hobby but sure is fun!!!!!!!!!!


Two quick suggestions...First do a search on switching from CC to LS. You will find a lot of information on that topic.
Anemone's need very strong lighting, Metal Halides are the best. You have 130watts total with a 90 gallon tank, that comes out to less than 1 watt per gallon. You will not be able to keep an anemone alive until you have much stronger lighting.


New Member
let me clarify the lighting there are 2 65 watt daylight total of 135 watt and 2 65 watt actinic total of 135 hopefully this clarifies it


Do you have 4 individual bulbs that each plug into their own socket?
The reason I ask is I have a system that they say has 40w dual daylight and 40w dual actinics, but the entire system is only 80w. There are 2 bulbs that are kind of U shaped, but there are only 2 bulbs that plug into two sockets even though they call each one dual.
Even if you have 270 watts total, that's still only 3 watts per gallon. Still not enough to support an anemone. Sorry! :nope:


You do not have enough light. Also, are all four anemones one species or not? Only one species per tank or you could be asking for trouble.