Creative DIY LR


New Member
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone would like to share some of their creative live rock designs. So far I created a an anchor, heart, and a volcano. they will be going in my 60 gallon tank, any suggestions would be appreciated.
The lighter if for scale purposes its 2" x 1.5"



New Member
Made a pistol, I just buried a 1911 airsoft gun then uncovered it and filled it in. It came out surprisingly good.


Is making live rock really that dangerous that you need a first aid kit around.....LOL

Serouisly it looks great, that anchor is goin to look good covered in coralline.


New Member
I had a feeling some one would say something about that when I noticed it also. Can't be to safe, crushed oyster shell are pretty sharp.


Active Member
make an underwater city lol...
sky scrapers and buildings of out liverock with holes for windows hahahaha.
Can you imagine a goby sticking his head out of a piece of liverock resembling the empire state building?