Creature in the fuge


Active Member
I always glance in the fuge as I'm turning it's light on before bed and saw this thing in there the other night. What might this be? I'm guessing maybe a hermit crab without it's shell?


Active Member
Thats exactly what it looks like to me. Should be a soft almost clear tail looking thing. They look really wierd out of the shell.


Active Member
Yup, it's moving so it ain't no molt. Great idea to throw an empty shell in the fuge - it's only a small HOB one so he should have no trouble finding it.
P.S. Wait - do I WANT him in the fuge or should I try to get him out and put him back in the tank? Is he going to eat all my copepod stock?????


I think they just eat algae and detrius. I would like to know also. I have one or two in my fuge also to help with the maintenance in there.


Active Member
keep him in there. if you notices your detritus is going away then why not keep him in there? im almost positive it will help with detritus build up but as far as eating the pods. im not sure.