creature of the night!


New Member
A week ago I bought some lr from my lfs. Last night after the lights had been out for some time, I noticed a long tan something that was attached to my lr and streched out digging through my substrate. The thing was about the size of a coffee straw and streched about 2-3 inches. When I shined a flashlight on the creature it pulled itself back behing the rock. I could not get a good look to determine if or how it was attached to the lr. I am wondering if anybody has any idea of what this may be.


New Member
As far as I could tell, it pulled back into itself like pulling the toe from the sock. Is this a worm that I should worry about or is it fine to leave.
I saw something similar in my tank recenty. I added some new Fiji LR and that night I saw what looked exactly like a bristleworm.....possibly the same thing you have???? Possible


It is incredible what comes out when the lights are turned off! One of my most recent hitchhiker only apears during the evening. It is a slugflatworn type creature. Very fascinating as it glides across the glass. Other nightly creatures include pistol shrimps, snails, brittle stars and a variiety of tiny bug-like thins that scamper about. Try night time viewing with a red light bulb. Apparently that light is not noticed by night time folk.