Hi guys haven't been on in a while computer got hit by lightening. Any way I purchased this clam (crecia) about two weeks ago he has been doing fine up until now. This morning I noticed his shell is splitting down the side and he has a hole on the right hand side of his mantle with something white in there. This has happened over night...water parimeters are: temp 80, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, ph 8.2, salt 1.022. He is on sand bed, I have him on liquid photoplankton, color is brillant and no shrinking of mantle (see pics) 130 watt in 15 gallon (for now, if he improves I'll put him in my 40 gallon which is almost cycled) Seller (NOT LFS..private reef keeper) said lighting is fine he had him in much less. He is about 4-5" long and fat! I have found almost no info on these, did some research before I got him but no alot out there on behavior. I'm real worried about the splitting down the side..I have heard some crabs will pick at the clams and eat them..so maybe that is the problem?? I have 1 emerald crab, 1 red mithrax crab and 2 blue hermits, 1 red banded shrimp, 1 small red brittle star, & snails. Here are the pictures, last one is before the splitiing...please let me know whats going on and what to do for him.. thanks