Creeping Nitrates


Hi all,
I wanted to know if changing my substrate from crushed coral to argonite sand will help with my increasing Nitrate problem. I also have a bio-wheel. I have the sand, but have put off changing the substrate in my tank. I am worried that the Nitrates are creeping up slowly to almost 35mg/ml. I need to see about reducing it. I have had the tank going for a year now with 3 ocellaris and I added a seabae anenome recently. I am worried that the nitrates at this level will damage the anenome.
Any suggestions would be helpful. :)


Active Member
At 35 the trates are getting up there.
When I had cc I had to vacuum the cc at every water change to keep the trates in check.
I believe sand will help you. I have been using sand for a while now and trates are less then 5.

mr . salty

Active Member
Switching to sand will greatly improve your water readings and overall water quality.But you will need to have at least 4 inches for this to work...You will also need at least 25% of this sand to be LIVE SAND.Otherwise you may cause the tank to recycle by removing the CC.You see your CC is full of nitrafying bacteria.dry(non live)sand has no bacteria in it.


I really don't have a lot of cc, it probably isn't even an inch deep, I just put it in there to cover the bottom. It still traps a lot of detrius material though. If I siphon all the ditrious material and then place the sand on top of what cc is left, will this help seed the sand?