critics please...*_^

nm reef

Active Member
I've been home recovering from a nasty case of the cold/flu ....and I've spent this time home alone teaching myself how to write html code...a major accomplishment for a old computor dummy like me. Anyhow I've developed a website and I would appreciate some of ya'all takin a quick peek and tell me what ya think.
I know it ain't much compared to some of the web sites I've seen but still I'd like to hear what ya'all always thanks in advance
<a href="" target="_blank">homepage</a>


I couldn't see any pics, just red x's. I clicked on "show picture" but it didn't show the pic....sorry.

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmm...this is so frustrating to a old man like me..... <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />
I can bring the site up just fine...but ya'all seem to have problems.......this is the url.....
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
don't know why it ain't workin....... :(


I was able to go to your home page and see the photo album. Your links work, but your pictures on the home page don't.

nm reef

Active Member
HMMMMMM....wonder why not....when I open it they work just fine....hate to be a pest but is there anybody around that can help a feeble old man figure this out......I'd pay a million or 2(j/j) for successful assistance......lmao.........dang this cyber world web site design/developement/posting stuff is white hair making frustrating <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
sorry to waste ya'alls time......but dang I want to get this working......GRRRRRRRRRRRR

nm reef

Active Member
Most outstanding ijji & kelly....I've been out running errands with the wife....but I knew that somebody would be able to steer me lots of work to do before my web site is where I want it to I gotta teach myself how to do it.....going to be fun....may I e-mail the 2 of you for help and assistance.......ijji's already been a good reference so far...sorry to be a pest.......*_^

nm reef

Active Member
Still seem to be fighting a uphill no pics and can't figure why........plan to re-write the code today and continue to try to transfer pics from my drive to the server............thanks a ton for help to this point....kelly....sorry for the trouble.....*_^
computer stupid people of the world unite.....and seek help from those who know the mysteries of the code....lmao.....

nm reef

Active Member
Spankr....thank you.....I worked on the code this morning and was hopeful that the changes had maybe fixed things....serious,,,,you could see pics.........for me that is a major accompolishment....could someone else please try and see if all is well before I try to add the rest of the content? thanks in advance........there should be a total of 4 pics on the initial page....please let me know if this stage of the nightmare design/developement is working....sorry to consume so much time from ya'all......but its the only way I know to learn.......


Active Member
Sorry NM reef
I do not see the 4 pics on the address site below
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I've been able to see you other pics in your albums since day one.


Sorry, I just got little red x's instead of pictures too. But that often happens to me. I always have thought it was the fault of my old computer. Good luck.

nm reef

Active Member
Well it seems that the website is still not properly working after all....@^&$%#*....but in time I'll figure it out.............I hope before my hair turns white and I'm too old to acknowledge my accompolishment....lmao


I could not see the photos on the main page, but I was able to see the album shots. You have a beautiful tank. Good luck with the HTML, I am not ready to try that just yet!