Critique my set up


For my 100gal future reef project I have:
420 watts VHO
Mag 12 return
20gal sump
ETSS Reef Devil skimmer/mag 7
Built in over flow with a durso pipe.
I'm working on my plumbing now and plan on making my sump/fuge combo.
See any problems or anything I need?


I didn't want any power heads in the tank. I'm planning on building a spray bar with four adjustable outlets outlets. Think I need to just ahead and get a mag 18 or 24?


Active Member
if u dont want any power heads u should do a closed loop system ...
as far as ur sump return goes u really cant add a bigger pump than what ur overflow box can take in id say the mag 9.5 is all u need on that anymore it would empty ur sump out u can probably use the mag 12 for the return but u may need to put a ball valve to throttle it down somewhat if it puts out too much water
if u dont have a closed loop system ur probably guna have to add some power heads to get more flow in your tank
what do u plan on keeping??
its always best to get what u want the first time to save money and headache later on....
ie ... save up for the right lighting, skimmer, circulation equipment, and other helpful equipment


Active Member
I agree on the closed loop. I did not want powerheads for my 210 so I did a closed loop and it works perfectly for me.


Active Member
yeah my current 100 g reef tank has everything from sps to lps to softies and clams but it didnt have a sump or a closed loop so i have sooo much crap stickin in the tank right now kinda an eye soar
my new 180 sittin in the garage is all built to be made into a nice reef system overflow with holes for my closed loop