critter help


I need some quick advise. Ealier this week per my LFS I put some frozen shrimp in some panty hose in my 29 gallon tank to catch a crab. The shrimps were in there for 2 days and then I removed them.
My tank currently has no fish in it due to my clowns dying earlier this week. The problem is my nitrites are now 1.0. I had my water test on Wednesday and had 0 nitrites.
Im assuming it was from the shrimps. The problem is I have a critter pack coming today. Hermits, crabs, shrimps, brittle stars and snails. Will this nitrite spike kill them?
I also did a 5g r/o water change on Thursda night. And Im adding the calcium buffers too.


Active Member
This will harm some of those critters. Thats to high for stars they would die almost instantly. And the shrimps and snails would probibly not handle it well either but might survive if it goes no higher and falls soon. But personally I wouldn't put anything in there until it drops.
[ September 22, 2001: Message edited by: DAN THE MAN ]


Active Member
teog, Nitrites are just as deadly as ammonia, mabey a little less, but still a concern. As Dan said the stuff you have coming in is going to have a rough time. This is just a hot in the dark, but you seem to be having a constant problem with nitrites making me think your tnak has not fully cycled. If this is the case the water change will only slow it down, th etank must be allowed to cycle fully before it can harbor life It would be a good idea to get a friend or the LFS to house your critters until your tank has cycled. GL