Critter In Liverock Causing Me Grief


Active Member
A problem has occured with one of the largest pieces of live rock in my tank. There is apparently a hole that goes all the way through the rock from the top to the bottom. Also apparent is that something is living in this hole and delights in my misery.
This wicked creature likes to take sand from the bottom of the tank, drag it all the way through the hole in the live rock, and make a large mound on top of the live rock, right where I have some lovely shrooms growing. It does this every night and I have even witnessed the mound growing as if something was pushing sand up.
What critter do you suppose is doing this and how can I kill it? I'm not concerned whether this thing is beneficial or not... I would like it gone. Has anyone had a similar experience, and what did you do? Do you think I can superglue gel a small rock in the area to block it off? Will the gel harden underwater? ARG!!!


Active Member
I wonder if you have some sort of hitchhiking fish. May be some type of crab too.


Active Member
my brittle starfish sorta does that, it take ALL the sand out of under "his" rock, and piles it up on one side


Active Member
The hole is very small...probably smaller than 1/4" inch diameter. I can't really pinpoint it because the sand is always there. I can get most of the sand off with turbulence, but not all of it. I definately don't think it is a fish. I'm guessing a worm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
The hole is very small...probably smaller than 1/4" inch diameter. I can't really pinpoint it because the sand is always there. I can get most of the sand off with turbulence, but not all of it. I definately don't think it is a fish. I'm guessing a worm.
Some fish are pretty small.. ever heard of the super tiny fish that lives in the anal cavity of sea cucumbers?


Active Member
Sounds to me like an invert. Maybe a small mantis or Pistol Shrimp, that's trying to make himself at home.


Active Member
Ya know.. mantis didnt even come into my mind.. but yes.. could very very very well be a mantis. I dont think it would be a pistol shrimp though.


Do u ever hear clicking when watching your tank? If so, its definately a pistol or mantis. How come you dont think its a pistol? I had one in my tank and it made a huge mound (mine wasnt on top of a rock though)


get some of that putty used to stick lr together and place it over the hole within an hour or two it will be hard and he can no longer get through the hole.


A creature is still a creature.
Worm trap? I use them and they are great. All kind of unwanted pests venture into them.


Active Member
Pistols usually move sand out from under a rock... but dont take it from under the rock and drag it to the top of the rock.


mantis shrimp comes to mind here. my buddy has one in a species tank and does the exact same thing.


Active Member
I think I'm going to try to plug up the hole if I can find it. I wonder if gel will cure if applied underwater. There is no way I can take this rock out as it is part of the foundation and weighs like 20 pounds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I think I'm going to try to plug up the hole if I can find it. I wonder if gel will cure if applied underwater. There is no way I can take this rock out as it is part of the foundation and weighs like 20 pounds.
You could buy some of that underwater epoxy


Active Member
Not saying that it is but thought maybe a spaghetti worm. They can pull sand up while feeding but should be able to see them.


Active Member
Im having this same problem in more than one spot. Ive been hearing clicking sounds for a couple months and just yesterday i finally saw the little

. Damm mantis shrimp. I see his eyes peeking out of the hole. There is no way im breaking down the right side of my tank cuz the piece hes in is too large and is part of the foundation. When i catch this sorry SOB if anyone wants it let me know. :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by drew2005
Im having this same problem in more than one spot. Ive been hearing clicking sounds for a couple months and just yesterday i finally saw the little

. Damm mantis shrimp. I see his eyes peeking out of the hole. There is no way im breaking down the right side of my tank cuz the piece hes in is too large and is part of the foundation. When i catch this sorry SOB if anyone wants it let me know. :mad:
You sure you saw a mantis and not a pistol shrimp?
Anyways i'd take the mantis if you dont want it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
You sure you saw a mantis and not a pistol shrimp?
Anyways i'd take the mantis if you dont want it.
It flew back into the rock really fast. It looked like a dark color. Maybe green. Do pistol shrimps have the same eyes that a mantis does? When i look in the hole i see to little eyeballs moving around.


Active Member
Nah... once you see mantis eyes and know what they look like.. nothing else gets mistaken for them.