

New Member
My tank has been established for abouth 3 weeks now (thats not including cycling) and im noticing very very small see thru critters. any ideeas on what they could be? i lost a damsel and was wondering if it could be from the critters.


Active Member
How many? are they on the sandbed? If they are really small and on the sandbed they are probably amphipods (sp) which are good for fish they are kinda a natural food. Also you probably lost the fish due to the fact that your tank is not cycled yet :thinking:.....What size tank and how much live rock do you have, also what type of filtration?


Active Member
well not to be a butt or anything like that but a tank that has just cycled is a far cry from being established that term is for a tank that has been up and running for a year+ what are your water parameters right now and did you use tap or ro and need some tank specifics size, filtration, temp etc


Active Member
Sorry but thats just not much of a description, could be anything from mysis shrimps to flat worms to jellies