Crocea Crisis


New Member
Hello. I purchased 2 crocea clams on ----. they arrived yesterday in what i thoght to be not much very stinky water, but after i drip acclimated them for an hour, they both opened up and seemed fine. then yesterday after they had been in for a couple of hours, one drew in slightly. then last night before i went to bed after the lights had been off in the tank and the room for a couple hours i went in to check on it and it was convulsing every minute or so, expelling a slightly hazy fluid. then, in the middle of the night i go out and the mantle is completely withdrawn and still. so i reach my hand in and pick the clam up underwater and it closes slightly. so i put it back down.
this thing was beautiful when i got it and now within 24 hours it looks dead. i cant tell if it is. thats one of my questions. its partner is behaving fine.
did i kill it somehow? they are both wild caught im sure as theyre both 5" long or so. please offer any thoughts or advice.


New Member
this is a pic of what they look like at the moment. im holding off this morning on turning on the lights. thanks for any help you might offer.

nacl freak

Clam most likly burping [normal behavior] is my guess. I have seen them open and close forcefully in an attempt to move to +- flow or light. I would turn lights on. Wait and watch. Do not disturb. From what I've read Crocea's like to be high and on rocks .You may get differing opinions. That's the beauty of this site. Hope this helps. Mine is one of my favorite. Its's so colorful.


New Member
i put them on the bottom, as ive got a lot of mh wattage and i want to be conservative.. if theyre reaching for more light, i could move them up, but dont want to give them a sunburn right off.


New Member
ok. its dead. ive no idea why. i thought i did everything correctly. this thing was alive and behaving properly out of the bag and didnt start acting wierd till several hours later. if anyone has any advice to offer about this situration, i would greatly appreciate it. i think the big lesson to learn is to only purchase aquacultured clams from a reputable source. my other clam still seems alright. (reacts to stimuli and light changes) ill hope for the best.

al mc

Active Member
My experience with clams is that once they start to deteriorate they die fast. So, if something bad is happening to the one on the left then it will be gone within 24 hours.....How much wattage do you have because it is tough to burn clams..they usually like light. Good Luck

al mc

Active Member
Sorry for your loss. Personally I would try to keep the second clam within 18 inches of the light source. So if the light source is 2-3 inches above the water level, then the clam would be 6-8 inches off the bottom (glass) of your tank. Good luck.


New Member
thanks everybody. ill take your advice and raise the remaining clam off the bottom another four inches or so. its currently sitting about 18" below the water line. shouldnt be too hard.


Active Member
it could be just a bad specimen. with clam from my experience, try not to move or touch them too much at the beginning, bc they r stress enough already from shipping. wild caught clams r not bad if collected properly.