Crocodile Fish


Are they good in a aggressive tank? How much do they go for? Are they easy to feed? Any other info needed, thanks.


Active Member
One fish that I really dont have any experience with. :(
I believe Squidd has one, so can probably help you out more.


Active Member
Ya, I got one...
I'm only have a minute here before I go back to work, but check out my thread...'Alligator Fish"...a few months back...
I'll write more later...;)


Hi there:
I have one as well and it seems to be the same species as Squidd's. My lfs brings them every once in a while and sells them for $35. Mine is about 5 inches long and spends most of its time buried in the sand. When feeding time comes around though he eats absolutely anything that gets close to his mouth. I have him eating krill, squid, prawn and silversides. I also feed him feeders every now and then (saltwater acclimated ghost shrimp and saltwater acclimated Mollies).
He seems to be an ambush predator and basically it is harmless unless you house him with fishes he can swallow. Doesn't move much at all and doesn't bother any other fish. Mine changes colors from very light to very dark and he does it depending on mood and the surface he is on. I really like the fish but it is not for the person that wants a showy, display fish. I would consider the crocodile fishes more of an oddball for an aggressive tank. The only other companions in his tank are a Fu-Manchu lionfish and a Purple Tang.
Hope this helps a little as I am no expert but have had great experience with this crocodile fish.


Hi again.
Attached is a pic of my crocodile fish and now I believe it to be a different species from Squidd's. I know there are about 5 differenmt species that make it into the hobby but they are all called crocodile fish with no further classification. Mine is commonly called the Longsnout Crocodilefish (Thysanophrys chiltonae) but I had to look in many books until I finally found one that has a few different species of crocodilefishes detailed.


In the tank I have the crocodile fish I only have a Fu-Manchu Lionfish and a Purple Tang. I am not sure if I will add any other species of fish to the tank unless I find other species of crocodile fish and/or a Blackfoot Lionfish.
i was gunna make a new thread but i figured mys well post it in this one.:)
i was wondering how big they grow to? and if i was going to be able putting one in a 300 gallon? it wont be till next year, but i figured to do some research in advance.


Crocs (or flatheads) grow from about 5" to over 27" depending on the species.
My last one was killed by a toadfish that bit a hole through its side (now here's an aggressive AND predatory fish) while the crocs are predatory but NOT aggressive...if they can't eat it they ignore it.