crosshatch avalibility



A buddy of mine wants a crosshatch trigger, but would like to find a juvi. Is there and chance that he will find one? I have never herd of someone having a juvi so did not know...


Active Member
Regina - the smallest crosshatch that I have seen in trade is 5" and that was for a female.
The majority of the males are not caught till 6" +.
If you can find a Juvi, they will be WAY pricier


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Regina - the smallest crosshatch that I have seen in trade is 5" and that was for a female.
The majority of the males are not caught till 6" +.
If you can find a Juvi, they will be WAY pricier
Yeah the LFS here in Phoenix had 2 pairs and 1 single Male, all 6 inches or so...Never seen a juvi.


You will very rarely find Juveniles for a couple of reasons. Juvies are drab in color in comparision to adults. They look like Sargassums. Juvs. are found deeper and stay close to the rock and not in open water whuch make them diddicult to catch. Considering adults are found around 200', many divers don't go much deeper than that. Your nly hope is to know a diver in Hawaii and special order it. I can puut you in contact with him if you'd like. I'm getting an adult pair from next week.
Regards, Tim


Thanks for the replys. I will tell him just to get a adult.