Crosshatch Trigger


Active Member
Unless the fish is damaged in some way, I would say one of options, either way your LFS isn't too bright.
Option 1 would be they have a Female Bluejaw Trigger mislabeled as a Crosshatch
Option 2 would be they are selling a fish that typically sells for several hundred dollars for $50
I would guess option 1, the fish is mislabeled.


If I'm not mistaken a young crosshatch looks very much like a Bluejaw, so I go with option 1. It's very rare to see a Crosshatch that small.


Active Member
Option 3, some jagoff wiped one of the zeros off $500 on the tank glass.
They are shaped similar, but the color should be unmistakably Crosshatch. This guy is 3.5"

Courtesy; Advanced Aquarist
But yea, likely a Blue Jaw that is mislabeled.