crushed coral/live sand ??


Active Member
I currently have 125 gal live rock with crushed coral, what would happen if i came in a just added live sand right on top of my crushed coral, would this work, or cause problems??? Todd


Active Member
I set recently set up a 125g. Great tank. If possible, I would get rid of the crushed coral as soon as possible. The cc will trap nitrates. If you put LS on top, it will sink to the bottom and the cc will rise to the top. How long have you had your tank? What's in it? What are your levels?


Active Member
i have around 8 cleaner crabs, 3 dif type clowns, 1 fox face tang, 1 valentino puffer, 2 blennies, 2 emerlad crabs, 3 shrimp ( 2 cleaner 1 fire ) bubble coral, fox coral, 2 flame scallops, about 12 snails1 red gen star ( that im getting rid of tomorrow) 1 other kind of star(brown knobby looking thing!) :notsure: 1 niger trigger around 150 lbs live rock oh yea and 1 purple lobster that i never see help me i really dont want to have to pull out all that CC unless i have too, my amonia and nitrates fluxuate though more nitrates than amonianever real bad but they do go up a little off and on, im also hopeing the new filter system will help me out some, i had almost no current before it.. theres soooomuch to learn!!!!! todd


Active Member
Ok, 3 diff. types of clowns will not get along. They will end up killing each other. The puffer and trigger will eat your crabs and snails. The flame scallops should help with nitrates. Continue to do water changes weekly until you can get rid of your crushed coral. I have the following in my tank for a cleanup crew:
15 peppermint shrimp
10 emerald crabs
2 serpent stars
cleaner shrimp
fire shrimp (but I haven't seen him in a couple days)
30 scarlet hermits
10 astrea snails
10 nass. snails
I have 100 lbs LR, 110 LS and a protein skimmer. 2 300W heaters. I don't have corals and don't know much about them yet. I'm budgetting for new lights after x-mas. The "brown knobby" star could be a chocolate chip and its not reef safe.
I don't have a purple lobster anymore. I originally started with a 29g, not reef. Same thing, I never saw him. He hid in a hole and I could only see a claw. When I moved everything over to my 125g, I left him in my 29g that became my QT. I got a six-line wrasse tonight and a sailfini tang which are in my QT. Lights are out now and I just saw my purple lobster trying to attack my six-line. Lobster is gone now.
I'm no expert but this has been my experience. I've spent alot of time on here researching things. Hope it helps.


Active Member
you bet it does. The only thing i know is the star isnt a choc chip, hes fairly small and from what i can tell hes reef safe, he avoids the red general like the plague! and as far as the trigger and puffer they dont seem to bother the soft corals, so when i get tready to go to the hard corals ill probly trade them in. Im definately working on a bigger clean up crew! thanx for the help, sound slike i need to get rid of the CC. thanx Todd


don't do the mix of sand and c.c. I started out that way and you have to clean c.c. but you can't clean (syphon) sand so as soon as you have to clean the will syphon off the sand and will have none in a few cleanings bien there and done that. just be sure to do a better job of the switch from c.c. to sand than I did anyone got an aleve? big headache r/t same. but I forgot to check in with the board first had I I wouldn't be swearing like a saylor over my mistakes lol hey how long tall deep is your 125? just wondering.


Active Member

Originally posted by Blemmy_Guy
I currently have 125 gal live rock with crushed coral, what would happen if i came in a just added live sand right on top of my crushed coral, would this work, or cause problems??? Todd

If your looking for a sand bed that denitrifies like a DSB made from say SouthdownOoliticaragonite your plan wont work very well..if your just looking to add critters to the CC then that would be fine..The problems is that over time the sand will work its way to the bottom and the CC will be back up on top.. My advice is to NOT do it...Remove the CC and add your finesugar size sand.


Active Member
Well looks like im going to be busy cleaning out CC. and Shawna its 6 ft long about 2 ft tall and deep, thats close , im sure of the 6 ft long though! thanx for all the help todd


Active Member
Good luck with the switch. I switched my 29g a few months back. It wasn't as bad as I thought BUT it was only the 29. I removed everything and put it in rubbermaid buckets, made the switch and put everything back. Have patience and a lot of time and you should be fine.


todd thanks if I ever master the 90 I have a bedroom wall that I could fit one into good luck! mines finally comming together and astheticly much better :)


Active Member
thanx scoob and shawna! Ill probly start on it day after turkey day! i really think it will look better as well as be a better filteration system. thanx again! todd


Active Member
Let us know how you do. Oh by the way, I noticed you listed your wife THIRD on your list of interests. You better move her to FIRST if you want anything more for your tank!


I have a 2 inch layer of CC along with about 3 inches of varying sand ontop of the CC.. I purhcased three different grain types of sand to keep the sand from falling down into the CC..
Large grain on top of the CC
Medium grain on top of the large
Sugar sand on top of that..
The layers dont need to be more than an inch thick.. and when your done with the layers, just add your favorite looking layer to the top as an aestheical pleasure.
The tank will cycle everytime you add sand so i advise either doing it all at once, or very slowly over time..
I have never had any CC "rise to the top" of the sand bed.. unless of course the clowns are doing a fancy fanning action with their tails.. then the layers get a little mixed up. but i like the look of a substrate that is not uniform or soley one material.. remember, in the ocean there is all of the above, layers of CC, layers of different types of sand... yada yada..