Crushed Coral Substrate

So I've had my tank for about a month now... maybe more. I have the following in it:
1) Yellow Tang
2) Striped Damsel
3) Blue Devil Damsel
4) ET Puffer
5) Maroon Clownfish
6) Butterfly
7) 6 Snails
I have a 72 gallon tank and crushed coral substrate. I was wondering what else would be suitable to put in there? I wanted a Blenny or something for the bottom... but people have told me different things about how they are with Crushed Coral... Let me know what you think.
Oh, and should I have way more snails? I need a good "cleaner" group... but I have gotten mixed reviews on what I should use, so I thought I'd get some opinions from tank owners here...


hey u might want to switch out your crushed coral for some sand.
ive heard that blennies cant do their "normal thing" with addition, sand looks alot better and decreases ur chances of nitr spikes.
u got a great stock so far
Thanks. I kind of want to leave the crushed coral for now, until I start up another tank. (Beginners mistake, using crushed coral, i know...)
Is there anything else that can help with algea on the crushed coral other than a blenny then? ...or just hermit crabs and snails?


i am b y no means an expert but when i had CC nothing seemed to clean up the substrate like i wanted it to.. snails didnt do it neither did the hermits
maybe slugs will work? i dont know?
So the sand sifting stars will be fine although I have crushed coral? Another thing, my local pet store sold me that Yellow Tang after I told them what I had in my tank and the size of it... They said it would be fine, however, I just read in another forum that the size of their tang was too big for their 75 gallon... where as mine is only 72. I do not have as many other fish as them, though... but still, I don't want to be keeping him in my tank if it isn't healthy for him.


Active Member
Sand Sifter will be fine, I also have CC with them, np with him. 72g and a Tang, well most will tell you not to do it, but look at another way too, how long is your tank? They make all kinds, its not so much the depth but how long the tank is that makes the difference. I would say your ok now with him, it isn't like he's going to grow to full size overnight.
Alright, that makes me feel better. Makes me feel better that someone else has crushed coral too... I feel like everyone I've spoken to has sand. Haha..


Active Member
Yea, sand is the thing nowadays. No biggy to me. I've been running X-Fine CC for 9 years. Never had any trouble with it. And I won't change just because people say its bad. Better back it up with some proof, and my tank is like proof on the good side that CC can't be that bad.


Active Member
My tank is 135g. Sandsifter the only what? you should go with? The Nass Snails are good, small so you need quite a few, Bumble Bee Snails are also good, but also small and need quite a few. Easy way out, is buy a bunch of rock, and hide most of the bed. :)


Active Member
the only down side to waiting for awhile to switch is when you do, it is a mess. Its a mess no matter what, but
ALL of the detrius etc. that can build up in CC beds will be expolding all over your tank upon removal. The could jepordize your water/inhabitants.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
Hide most of the bed, eh? Sounds good to me... I think I may take that advice. haha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
the only down side to waiting for awhile to switch is when you do, it is a mess. Its a mess no matter what, but
ALL of the detrius etc. that can build up in CC beds will be expolding all over your tank upon removal. The could jepordize your water/inhabitants.
When you clean your tank, do you clean your bed? I do, I hook up my micron filter, stir up the lil bugger and let the filter do the cleaning for me. Nothing under there when I''m done doing maintenance.
I haven't cleaned it yet! We're actually having someone come clean it for us tomorrow... I'm not sure what he's doing, I guess I will find out his techniques when he gets here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beadebaserrrr
I haven't cleaned it yet! We're actually having someone come clean it for us tomorrow... I'm not sure what he's doing, I guess I will find out his techniques when he gets here.
Most of the prettiest tanks you have ever seen, required the most vigilant maintenance. I don't use a filter on a day to day basis, I only use it for water polishing, and stirring up the CC. But its all in the maintenance, isn't it??


Active Member
I definitely DO NOT recommend a sand sifting star. They tend to starve in most but the largest systems in around a year. They EAT the GOOD creatures in the sand bed, and in general can not be spot fed. A poor choice, IMO.
I would also strongly encourage you to slow down on stocking. That tank is pretty fully stocked at 1 month, and that is pretty dangerous with fish that do somewhat better in mature tanks (tank, b'fly). This is not meant to flame you, this comes from seeing bad things happen to the most excited and well intentioned people.
If you have your tank professionally serviced...that may concern me as well. Don't let them talk you into to much. I would encourage you to learn to care for your investment yourself. It will likely save you a lot of time and money in the future.