Crushed Coral?

Yeah so i have heard that CC is not the greatest. What is the down sides to it? Any up sides? Im going to take about half out and mix some sand in. Is this a good idea? :notsure:


Active Member
Not good to mix. No up side. Down is that it produces trates needs to be cleaned monthly and it dosent look the best.
Crap in a hat.... I guess ill take it out tomorrow and add sand.... What a pain!! I hope i dont get stung by glass anemones. Wow this will be fun to watch!!


Active Member
Wait a minuite. You cant just take it all out a once, it will cause another cycle. Im not sure how to do it. Get a couple of opinions on it.
It wouldn't be that big of a spike would it cause if i don't use LS cause of the bacteria in it? Hmm this makes it even more suckass.


Active Member
What all is in your tank? If its new then you could be fine. If you have fish you can catch I would catch them and put them in a bucket. when I was adding LR my clown died because of the water so..


Active Member
Whatever you end up doing, taking small amounts out at a time and replacing with sand, or startingover? You may also want to throw in some bio spira marine to help boost the bacterial load during the transition
Its been up and running for two months and there is LR and thats about it. I mean there is other living things in there but nothing i put in there on purpose.


Originally Posted by Bountyhunter23
Yeah so i have heard that CC is not the greatest. What is the down sides to it? Any up sides? Im going to take about half out and mix some sand in. Is this a good idea? :notsure:
Downside, you will never see your nitrates at zero, which is no huge problem.
Upside, you will never have to worry about your tank crashing if you maintain it properly, you will have high alkalinity which is desired.
If you already have it in there I wouldn't go through the effort to chage it.
I actually prefer the look of CC......


Originally Posted by watson_ab
Downside, you will never see your nitrates at zero, which is no huge problem.
Upside, you will never have to worry about your tank crashing if you maintain it properly, you will have high alkalinity which is desired.
If you already have it in there I wouldn't go through the effort to chage it.
I actually prefer the look of CC......
I run CC.. and my nitrates are at zero... have been for a while.. our LFS runs at least 20 salt water tanks all with CC and no problems...