ok, here it is(since you were waiting)
i love a dsb, had both cc and dsb's(even in same tank) and will not go back to cc, i have had great success with sand, in fact i am setting 2 tanks up at work, the one is almost 6 months old and is doing great, so now i have 5 tanks to add to my list of dsb's one of which had started off as cc(so i have 5 tanks worth of experience to attribute to my experiences and 2 of which were originally cc)
the only draw backs to me were the switch(what a PIA) and it does not happen over nite, it takes time to establish and get working(MONTHS unlike cc which works almost immediately since it has NO denitrifying benefits) and if i had cc and it was doing fine, then i would not switch it, only in a new tank or one that is having problems AND IF i were to switch i would use live sand not playsand, it is a major PIA to get to settle
and as for the suppliments, that one is news to me, IF you use aragonite(NOT silicate)sand, i cannot see where there would be ANY difference in the 2, B/C they are the same EXACT substance, just different size and with a dsb you actuallyget more of it(i also do ralize not everyone can get the infamous and economic SOUTHDOWN but other options are available if you want aragonite sand)
again, IF IT WERE A QUESSTION OF SWITCHING FOR THE SAKE OF SWITCHING i would not do so, but in a new tank or one with no livestock yet then i would make a dsb.
honestly i must admit that in an aggressive tank i may have to consider using cc or stocking conservatively(more so than a community tank or reef)
since the switch we have been able to maintain low nitrates(under 10) with much ease(before that 80 to 100 normally), in fact we were between 10 and 20(sometimes mid 20's) in a skimmerless tank that was stocked fairly heavily(IMO)