Crypt Keeper, or anyone else who is knowladgeable about Morays.

salt life

Active Member
Will the Spotted Moray (Gymnothorax Moringa) I have in my 75g be ok for life by himself? Right now I have him with the chainlink, and the fimbraited is going to the other 75g, all I need for that tank is water and then he will be in his own tank. But down the road I will be giving the chainlink away and keepin the spotted for the 75g so he can have that to himself, will I be ok?

crypt keeper

Active Member
I would think so. They get a little over 3 feet. That is average sized eel. Give it a shot. It may take a while for it to hit max length. When it does evaulate the situtation. If he looks cramped get a 90. If not then you are good tp go.
Im not all knowing when it comes to eels. I know what I know off what I read from peoples experiences and websites about certain fish. But Im far from all knowing. Im still a rookie.


Active Member
due to the footprint of 75 vs 90 gal ..that wouldn't be an upgrade as for lifetime housing its hard to say how long that will actually be.. I would dare to say he should be fine..However if you find later down the road you need to upgrade then a 100 or more at 6 ft tank would be nicer for him..


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
due to the footprint of 75 vs 90 gal ..that wouldn't be an upgrade as for lifetime housing its hard to say how long that will actually be.. I would dare to say he should be fine..However if you find later down the road you need to upgrade then a 100 or more at 6 ft tank would be nicer for him..
Agreed 75 vs 90 are both 48x18 tanks. Go with a 60x24 footprint and you should be fine. 3'6" and I think it will be too small.
I have a 29-30" DME (maxes at 2'8") in a 75g by himself and he FILLS the tank, very active eel though. Don't think a 75g could handle an extra foot of eel.
Just my 2 cents. Get a 125 for life. I am planning a 240 square for my DME when we move 60"x35"x24".

salt life

Active Member
thanks for the responses everyone, He is still just about 2 feet now has plenty of room in the 75g, as he gets bigger I will deffinetly consider a 125 if needed. The fimbraited will be ok alone in the other 75g though, correct?