

This is my first nano cube and i was wondering how much live rock and live sand i sould have in the tank?? Should i add the RO water first then add the sand/rock or should i add the sand/rock first?? how often sould i change the media bags in the tank and what kind of corals/annemoies i can have??
If anybody has this cube, can u use a timer for the lights?? it seems the whole lighting system is ran off 1 plug.
It has 2x34watt coral 50/50 and actnic bulbs

mandarin w

Well since we don't know the size of the nano, can't tell you how much live rock and sand to add.
I would mix your water in a separate container for about 24 hours.
If you have dry bag sand, rinse it. If you have Live sand from the fish store or someone else tank, just put it in the tank.
Fill the tank about 1/4 to 1/2 of the way. Place your rock in the tank. Then add your sand. Then finish filling the tank with the rest of your saltwater.


Active Member
well all the power runs through your one cord so it wouldnt be good to have a timer on it since it will cut off your pumps